Monday, June 9, 2008

Everything's Coming Up Buskus

The following video encapsulates so many aspects of our beloved Buskus: Drinking, history, Clark Duke and even the famed Buskus interruption. You gotta pay attention, however, or you might miss it. Enjoy.


j.patrick said...

Quite funny, but i don't really buy that he was drunk. I'm not saying I'm an expert, but I've had a lot of vomitting experience and I don't know that he was actually vomitting. I never saw any vomit exit his mouth and he looked exactly the same pre and post vomit.

j.patrick said...

Also, did you notice that the glass he was drinking from was incredibly similar to Grebutron's "J" glass? Uncanny.

Jeremy said...

you should watch the other drunk history videos. the other dude is definitely wasted off his ass. and it has michael cera!