Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Caption Contest

So I'm stealing a page from Funny or Die here, but whatevs. I am considering starting a weekly caption contest featuring pictures of our beloved Buskus. If anonymity was a goal of this site, I apologize, but there are only x number of Buski who look like that guy over in the side bar and 0 < x < 2, so it's kinda silly. Anywho, here is this week's pic. Give it your best caption and winners will be announced at a future date by a completely unbiased panel of qualified judges.

Also, feel free to send pictures of Buskus, or anything for that matter, my way and they will make it up on the site.


Greg said...

Neuh neuh no no no,
I always know where my keys are!

The Hulk said...

"Almost got it... almost... oh, yeah, yeah. That's the spot."

Original Matt K on the side: "The Taint! The Taint!!!"

Jeremy said...

"All i'm saying is, if the Lakers had used the 2-3 zone, they would have dominated the finals."

Greg said...

" you gotta be all like 'i have two papers due next week, and i started one.... but then i rolled it into a joint and smoked that shit.... but seriously we need to make some motzerella sticks...'" -from the Buskus himself