Monday, July 7, 2008

Crawford County, Don't Let Me Explode

After a somewhat disappointing fireworks display at the Black Hawk golf course, my life partner and I decided we needed a little R&R and some kickass fireworks. So yesterday, we got in our car and drove to my family's cabin in Prairie du Chien.

The PDC is a pretty quiet river town about five minutes from Iowa, about two hours west of Madison. On our way through town, my inner 12 year old perked up, and we bought some big sexy fireworks. By the way, I now have a Class C license, so if you need me to set off some manly fireworks, gimme a call.
We didn't stay long in the PDC, just long enough to go for a kayak, get some beer, and blow up fifty bucks. When the beer, fireworks, and part of my thumb were gone, I got a little restless.

So my life partner and I jumped in the car. Only this time, I took the wheel. Oh that's right, j.patrick finally learned to drive stick this weekend. A little reverse practice, some hill stops and starts, and practice getting it into 4th in under ten seconds. My life partner endured many sloppy gear changes, but holy crap it was fun.

I drove home from the PDC and only killed it once. Not bad for my first rural highway driving I'd say. All in all, a highly productive weekend, thanks Crawford County.

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