Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome to the South, out of Roanoke.

I didn't meet a trucker, but I found this on my way in and it made me chuckle.

Also, it's not so bad here. It was snowing when I pulled in, but they sell booze til midnight so I got a bottle of wine because I couldn't find whisky or beer or gin or vodka or wine coolers or rubbing alcohol. Also, I have H.BO which is great because Sookie Stackhouse is hot and they play both Georgia Rule and Die Hard II, which, let's face it, is never on. FYI, whatsherface is pretty f'd up in Georgia Rule (type cast?) and I no longer wonder why they never play Die Hard II.

I also have a bitchin pad.

Also, I have a pretty sweet recliner.

BTdubs, did you know that they made American Psycho II: All American Girl starring Mila Kunis and William Shatner, directed by Morgan Freeman!? I know, right! Alright, so it's Morgan J. Freeman... not the guy from the Toppers phone call. Yeah, I thought it was a joke too, but it's not. I'm planning on giving it 3 WTFs!?, 1 Are Ya Kiddin' Me?, and a 5 out of 5 on Netflix.

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