Monday, October 13, 2008

Live From Grenyarnia

First off, let me just say that my flight plan got changed. I now fly in and out through the Twin Cities. That said, if anyone is still considering going there next weekend, let me know. I made the mistake of using the restroom in Minneapolis/St. Paul, that place is cruisy as fuck.

I got in at midnight local time last night after the longest cab ride ever. There was supposed to be a shuttle for me from the airport, but I was informed that the driver had already gone home. I have no idea what language the cab driver spoke, but his voice-activated Garmin was not talking English (it might have been Svenborgian... paupers). He tried to drop me off at 9300 Sunnyside Ave (a taco bell) when I needed to get to 9300 Sunnybrook Blvd. I tried to explain to him that, although a chalupa sounded really good, I was tired and wanted to get to the hotel instead.

Now I have missed the breakfast because I overslept so I'm going to do some exploring.


Buster said...

I highly doubt that peasant cab driver would speak Svenborgian. However, since you're wealthy enough to vacation to Grenyarnia, do me a favor and take care of my family. I don't want my kids to have to go to college.

Sammy said...

I just want to go on record here that my fav. nickname for Busko is "Busko."

Buster said...

I think there's something wrong with the poll thing as I've now voted 4 times.

Buster said...

Who is voting for Eric??

Slider said...

i've got 2 votes on 'huskubus buskubus'

Jeremy said...

I voted for Eric. Who the fuck is that guy?

Greg said...

I prefer to call him Richard, shortening his name to anything else is such an insult.

Buster said...

It's spelled Richarrd (according to Gamblin' Joe Norcross).

Sammy said...

Thought process: "Eric. It's short for, Ehhh, Richard."

Buster said...

No. Eric is short for Richarrd.