Saturday, April 18, 2009

why are all these people so in to tea bagging?

What's up with all these tea-baggers?  I don't really watch the news, so I hadn't heard about this tax day tea party thing.  It's unfortunate that r(libertarians,nutjobs) is so close to 1.

I'm sort of a libertarian... I would prefer to have smaller government and less government involvement in my life than more.  But when I see people claiming to be libertarians marching around with signs like these, I question my libertarian inklings.  I can only hope that Nutjob -> Libertarian; and not Libertarian -> Nutjob.

Is it too late to give them the south?  Let them hate taxes, black people, france, science, mexicans, jews, diversity, wine, gays, Target, sex, foreign cars, education, and the rest of the world.  Maybe if we give them all of our wal-marts, dollar stores, and waffle houses they'll let us keep California.

The more I think about it, the better idea it sounds.  Let's secede from the south, who's with me!?

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