Tuesday, April 29, 2008

HCC: Inappropriate Bathroom Etiquette

So I've decided to start a new series. I call it Hulk's Complaint Corner.

In this first edition, I'd like to talk about something that has alway pissed me off and that I've had recent experience with.

So I was taking a crap in HCW, 3rd Floor. I thought there wouldn't be anyone around, so it would be pleasant. While I was on my porcelain thrown, an unpleasant individual walked in and sat down in the stall next to mine.

This sort of behavior irritates me to no end. Obviously, if there is already someone in a stall, you should choose a different bathroom to take care of your business in. Any decent person would immediately vacate the premises, or at least pretend to urinate and then leave. Yet this person sat down and began what can only be described as something very unpleasant. With no alternative, I put my iPod on and finished my business to the lovely music of The Pogues. My experience, however, was ruined.

I know many of you have experience with this sort of uncomfortableness, so I implore you to share perspectives and tactics.

Yours in brotherhood,
teh hulkxors


Sammy said...

Disagree. You have to remember that by using public bathrooms you are engaging in a turf war.

For instance, when I sit down next to someone and audibly sigh or chuckle, I know they're going to get shy and likely never come back.

j.patrick said...

I like the idea of public restroom turf warfare, but Slider, thanks for the tip.

Also, another fun note about HCW pissers, ever noticed the tiles by the urinals? There has been a lot of thought given to different ways to work the word "grout" into humorous sentences (ex. "forget a-grout it", "no grout about it", and "grout, grout, let it all out")